- Masks are OPTIONAL at this time.
- Please keep a 6ft distance
- Do not hover over employees and students
- If you are sick, feel ill, or have a fever, please wear a mask or call out
Please sign up for the Campus Alert System for closings and inclement weather advisories.
In the event of an unscheduled absence or lateness, please notify:
Daniel Piasecki
The likelihood of a school shooting is very low but it’s still important to be mentally prepared. For that reason, the College has purchased a license for Shots Fired on Campus, an excellent video that explains in clear terms how to best respond to an active shooter event. The 20-minute video is available to all faculty, staff and students and it is strongly recommended that you watch it. The video may be view through this link (https://use.vg/KP8Bw1). Due to licensing requirements, you must log in with your MyBucks Portal credentials to watch the video.
For more Security information:
The Library is an awesome place!
Students must have a valid and current Student ID card to check out a laptop.
Student ID Cards with photos on them can be used to check out laptops. In this case, it is not necessary to have an additional photo ID like a driver's license to check out laptops.
Student ID Cards without photos require an additional official photo ID (driver's license, passport, state ID) to check out a laptop. A smartphone image of a driver's license or state ID is acceptable as a photo ID, along with the Student ID Card.
We are encouraging students to take their own pictures and email them to us. If IDs are needed quickly, we can take a picture for them and print it out at that time. Please call one of the techs to help. As of right now, Technicians and Library Assistants are the only ones who may take pictures of students. Student workers will not take pictures.
If a student needs an ID for the gym, we ARE taking pictures and printing on the spot!
ESL – Non-Credit
ESL Office (Next to Advising entrance)
Rollins 58
Denise Alexander
Courses start Sept. 4th and Oct. 7th
AESL – Credit
Linn Lisher
Paula Raimondo
Courses follow academic calendar
PaperCut is the print management software that is used to track account printing usage and billing. You may have noticed a green window in the upper right corner of a campus computer after logging in. This is the PaperCut system reporting your active balance.
Students will be granted a $50.00 balance or 1000 sheets of paper (single-sided) starting on July 1st and ending the following year on June 30th.
Questions or concerns in regard to printing please Click Here!
OR contact the Help Desk at:
Email: helpdesk@bucks.edu
Phone: 215-968-8191
This guide is the result of a collaborative effort by the Library Technicians and the Help Desk staff at Bucks County Community College:
Library Technicians:
Beth McCaul, Cataloger x8557
Jules Chung, Serials x8557
Katerina Pak, Aquisitions x8557
Kelly Deeny, Interlibrary Loans x8557
Help Desk:
Glenn Elliott
Charlene Pipito
Login information can be found in the binder at the Newtown circulation desk.
LibCal Room Reservations Link
If you get questions from Music and Multimedia students looking for Adobe Assistance send students to the following: