
Accessibility: Zoom Captions

A Guide from the Accessibility Advocate

Using Zoom Automatic Captions

Steps to Create a Closed-Captioned Video in Zoom

Record the Video

  1. Login to your Zoom account at https://zoom.us.
  2. In the upper right of the screen, click the dropdown for HOST A MEETING and click WITH VIDEO.
  3. On the Zoom toolbar click Record.
  4. Select Record to Cloud (this is necessary as captions will not be created for local recordings)
  5. Click the Stop Recoding when you have completed your video.
  6. End your Zoom Meeting and the Cloud recording will begin processing. You will receive and email when the recording is complete.

Review Recording and Closed Captions

  1. Login to Zoom account.
  2. Click on Recordings on the left menu.
  3. Play the video to make any changes to the recording and audio transcript which displays the closed captions. Corrections to captions can be made by clicking on the pencil icon next to the segment that needs to be corrected.
  4. Click the check mark to save any changes.

To learn more about this process, see Zoom Help article, Audio transcription for cloud recordings.

Live Zoom Captions