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IDea Guide for Teaching and Learning: About VoiceThread (VT)

for Regina Hierholzer

VoiceThread Functions

Use VoiceThread to:

  • Voice-over a PowerPoint presentation
  • Facilitate student group presentations in an online learning environment
  • Create dynamic course discussions around an image, video, or PowerPoint
  • Build universal design in your course:


Assignment Ideas Using VT

Teaching Debates with VoiceThreadRead and listen to what others feel about their VT assignments...

Inter-Class Debates in VoiceThread - The actual debate lasted two days. Day one groups recorded their arguments and day two was rebuttals. Students were allowed up to two minutes per argument. When engaging in a VoiceThread debate, I found video to be more powerful than audio. Not all students were comfortable being videotaped, so I encouraged but didn’t force the issue.

Using VoiceThread with Hands-On Projects - Educational technology shouldn’t compete with hands-on learning; it should support it. Regardless of which subject you teach, there are always opportunities for your students to get out of their seats and explore real-world learning and VoiceThread can help. 

VoiceThread Storytelling Videos and Cultural Presentations - VoiceThread is a tool that enables students to practice their listening and conversational skills for language courses in a fun and engaging way. They can listen to dialogues and comment orally on images and videos. VoiceThread allows language teachers to replicate to a certain extent what is done in an in-person classroom.

Teaching Music Online with VoiceThread - Developing your first online course isn’t easy. You worry about engagement and retention. You’re not sure whether the online portal will be easy for students to navigate. You wonder if you’ll need to make changes to delivery formats mid-semester and whether it’ll confuse everyone. In short, it can feel like it’s your first time in the classroom again. In a way, it is.

Using VoiceThread to Help Students Prepare for Interviews - With modern technology, the job interview process frequently begins with a phone or video interview. VoiceThread was the perfect tool for me to practice phone and video interviews with my students.

Using VoiceThread for Poetry Critiques - De Pere, Wisconsin and Hillsborough, New Jersey are separated by 999 miles.  Without traffic, it would take over 14 hours to drive between these two towns.  Given this large geographical gap, it might be surprising to know that students from De Pere Middle School and Hillsborough Middle School spent 4 days reading and critiquing poems together.  With the help of VoiceThread, this asynchronous connection was possible.  

More from the VoiceThread Support Team

Would you like to read more ideas?

Digital Library with examples from other instructors.

Third-party research on the efficacy of VoiceThread in various disciplines.


Use VT because you are...

Kicking Instruction Up a Notch – with VoiceThread! - Often as higher education faculty, we want to include collaborative discussion activities in our instruction to enhance our information presentation to large class sizes and provide learning environments that our digital-age learners perceive as relevant instruction.  Enter VoiceThread! The very structure of the tool facilitates a collaborative discussion where everyone gets a turn, and makes you look like the cool, hip, fabulous professor you are!

Use VT because you want to unlock...

The Hidden Power of Asynchronous Learning - To transfer information from their short-term to their long-term memory, students need repeated interaction with concepts over time.

Are you asking yourself...

Why do questions matter? - Lecturing usually means that students need to take notes, read and reread those notes, memorize, cram for the test… then quickly forget the information weeks or even days after the exam. Lectures don’t compel students to think, but questions do.

I want to...

Use VoiceThread for Online Courses - We were trying to find ways to connect ourselves and our students more “naturally” which can be difficult in an asynchronous program and Voice Thread looked like a way we could do just that.

Learning Technologies Librarian

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Regina Hierholzer
Learning Resources Department
You can find me in the Library at
The Bucks County Community College
Website Skype Contact: reghier